[0] cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 59000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://api.flowhunt.io/v2/flows/e1a1b513-b676-44b4-9a9b-f925aae14417/43a14adc-86e0-4ab7-877b-f00583f8217d?workspace_id=70ff1135-5ce6-42a7-8abe-ec03f58e828e
Jau daugelį metų įprasta aptarnauti klientus reaktyviai – laukti, kol klientas pats susisieks, tačiau vis daugiau įmonių taiko iniciatyvesnį požiūrį, kuris, kaip paaiškėjo, yra labai veiksmingas. Iš tikrųjų, BT tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad 78 % vartotojų patinka, kai organizacijos pastebi, kad jiems kilo sunkumų naudojantis interneto svetaine / atliekant užsakymą, ir tiesiogiai susisiekia su jais, kad pasiūlytų pagalbą. Štai kas yra iniciatyvūs kvietimai pokalbiui, arba aktyvūs kvietimai pokalbiui. Aktyvavimo sąlygomis pagrįsti, suasmeninti ir tinkamu laiku pateikti iniciatyvūs kvietimai pokalbiui gali pagerinti naudotojų patirtį, užtikrinti klientų pasitenkinimą ir suteikti daugiau pardavimo galimybių.
Skirtingai nuo reaktyvių pokalbių, iniciatyvius (proaktyvius) pokalbius pradeda įmonė (rankiniu būdu arba automatiškai). Automatiniai iniciatyvūs pokalbių kvietimai gali būti pradedami remiantis konkrečia lankytojų informacija, iš anksto nustatytomis taisyklėmis ir įvairiais elgsenos rodikliais, pavyzdžiui, dabartiniu puslapiu, kurį jie naršo, kiek kartų lankėsi jūsų svetainėje, kiek laiko praleido naršydami jūsų svetainę ir kt.
Strategiškai naudojami iniciatyvūs kvietimai pokalbiui gali padėti sustiprinti pasitikėjimą pirmą kartą besilankantiesiems, padidinti naudotojų įsitraukimą, padidinti klientų pasitenkinimą (vieno tyrimo duomenimis, 94 % klientų, kurie buvo proaktyviai pakviesti į pokalbį, buvo iš dalies arba labai patenkinti šia patirtimi), užkirsti kelią pirkinių krepšelio palikimui, sumažinti krepšelio palikimo rodiklį, padidinti konversijos rodiklį ir vidutinę užsakymo vertę.
“We’re happy you’re here! 🙂 Can you tell me what you’re looking for?”
“Welcome! I am [Agent name]. What inspired you to visit us today?”
“Hi there, looking for something? I’m here and ready to chat. What’s on your mind?”
“Welcome! Can I point you in the right direction?”
“Hi there! Let me know if you have any questions while you’re looking around.”
“Hi there! It looks like you’re visiting quite a few of our web pages. Can we help you find anything?”
“Yes, I’m a real human. Bots haven’t stolen my job just yet 🙂 If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help.”
“Hello! [Agent name] here, I am the regional representative for [country/region/city]. How may I assist you?”
“Our chat service triggers after you’ve spent a certain amount of time on a page, so if you have any questions or doubts, we can help. If you would prefer to look around you can just close the chat. It won’t trigger twice.”
“Welcome back! Do you have any questions about your order?”
“Good to see you’re back! Any questions about [product name]? I am here to help.”
“Happy to see you again, [Customer name]! What can we do for you today?”
“Hello [Customer name], welcome back. What brings you to our website today?”
“A little birdie told me you came back. What inspired you to visit us today?”
“Hello again [Customer name]. Are you shopping for yourself today? Tell me if you need any help :)”
“Hi [Customer name], it’s great to see you back! Would you like to learn about this week’s special offers?”
“Welcome back, [Customer name]! Have you seen our latest promo? Chat with me for details.”
“We know that making a choice here can be hard. If you need any help, I’m here to guide you.”
“It seems like you’ve been inactive for a few minutes. Did you need help navigating our site?”
“[Agent name] here 🙂 I understand that having too many options can be ovewhelming. May I help you to decide?”
“Hi there! It’s been a while since you’ve reviewed your shopping cart. Are you ready to check-out, or can we help you find anything else?”
“Hi [Customer name], the promotion on [product name] is about to expire. Would you like to chat for details?”
“Hi [Customer name]. Let me tell you it is a worthy investment if you purchase [product name] now. The offer is going to expire tonight. Chat for details?”
“Welcome! I see you’re browsing our product page. I’m available to chat if you have any questions.”
“Hello! I’m available if you’d like to have a chat about our products :)”
“Good morning! I see you are browsing our collection of [products]. Let me know if I can assist you!”
“Hi [Customer name], may I introduce you to our new arrivals?”
“Hi there, do you have any questions about this product or its technical specifications? I’m here if you do.”
“This is one of our most popular items this season! We only have a few left in stock, let me know if you have any questions!”
“Hi [Customer name], if you buy [product name] today you can save 30%. Do you want to chat and learn more about the offer?”
“Hello [Customer name], can I explain the special discounted price on the products you are interested in?”
“Hi [Customer name], we have a great sale running today on one of our most popular products. Can I tell you about it?”
“Hi there! Any questions about our pricing plans? I’d be happy to help.”
“Hi [Customer name], this is [Agent name]. Exploring our pricing plans? Let me help you choose the right one for you!”
“Thanks for visiting! Let’s chat about the right plan for you and your business.”
“Seems that you are visiting our pricing page frequently. Can I help you decide on the right plan?”
“Not sure which plan is right for you? Let’s chat and I’ll give you my best advice.”
“[Agent name] here. Let me know if you need a hand with your purchase today.”
“Hey! Do you need any assistance with your order? I’ll be happy to help.”
“Any questions about our shipping, payment options, refund policies, or otherwise? I’m here to help :)”
“Hi there, did you know that we offer free shipping for orders over [purchase value]? May I help you get to it?”
“You’ve got great taste! Let me know if you have any questions during the checkout, or if you run into any technical difficulties.”
“[Customer name], you’re almost there! Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Hey there, you almost made it! Have any questions or need help? Let’s chat :)”
“Hi there! I noticed you encountered an error message. I am here to help you to place your order. Message me for assistance.”
“Did you know we offer a 100% refund on all orders (even sale items)? I’m here to chat if you want to know more.”
“Hello there! Have any questions about our product demo? I’m here to answer them :)”
“Thanks for stopping by! I can explain [product name] installation steps for you, if you’re interested . Shall I start?”
“Hi [Customer name], may I guide you through the sign-up/ download/ installation process?”
“Hi [Customer name], do you need any help with the sign-up process/ downloading/ installing the app? Just drop me a line.”
“Hi there! Signing up takes less than a minute. Would you like me to guide you through the process?”
“Welcome! Setting up your account is quick and easy. Need a helping hand? I’m here to guide you.”
“[Agent name] here. May I help you find a solution to your problem?”
“Hi [Customer name], can’t find what you’re looking for? I’m here to answer your questions.”
“Can’t find your question? I’d be happy to help, let’s chat!”
“Chat is the fastest way to get your questions answered. Let’s talk :)”
“Just checking in to see if I can help answer any questions you may have. Let me know :)”
“Hi there, need answers? I’m here to help you out. Yes, I’m a real human :)”
“Hey there, we just wanted to let you know that [product name] is on sale right now, if you felt like saving a few dollars today.”
“Hi [Customer name], did you know that you can save [amount of money] buying [product A] and [product B] together? I’m here if you need more details!”
“Hi [Customer name], most of our customers who bought [product A] also bought [product B] to go with it. Would you like more details?”
“Hi [Customer name]! It looks like you’re purchasing [product A]. Could we interest you in [product B] as well? They complement each other nicely. :)”
“Hey there! Just a quick tip: [product A] belongs to our [X series]. Would you also like to take a look at the other products in this series?”
“Hi there! Since you’re purchasing [product A], we’d recommend [product B] as well. Past customers have found that purchasing these items together made their lives easier.”
“Before you check-out, you should know that we’re currently offering [promotion]. Would you like to take advantage of this limited-time offer?”
Travel: “Hi there! Would you like to hear our recommendations for your accommodation? Message me for advice.”
Real Estate: “Hi! Are you looking for a rental apartment, buying a home or selling your property? Message me for help.”
Software development: “Hi there! What brings you to our website today? Do you have a project in mind?”
Insurance: “Need help finding the right insurance plan? I’m here to give you my best advice.”
Banking: “Hi there, it looks like you might need a little help understanding these account options. We’ve got an account expert standing by. Click here to chat.”
Education: “Welcome! Any questions about our courses and fees? I’d be happy to help!”
Take advantage of our free 14-day trial.
Test all that LiveAgent has to offer, including our smart proactive live chat invitations. Deploy them based on specific action-based triggers and engage your customers today.
Pradėdami pokalbį naudinga iš kliento gauti informaciją, kuri padėtų greitai išspręsti kliento problemą. Pradėdami pokalbį paklauskite kliento apie jo problemą, užsakymo informaciją ir pan. Kad ir kokią informaciją gautumėte, užsirašykite ją, kad galėtumėte panaudoti ją kliento problemai spręsti.
Norėdami atsakyti piktam klientui, padarykite pauzę, kad nusiramintumėte, tada parašykite atsakymą, kuriame daugiausia dėmesio skirkite sprendimui. Be to, būtinai paaiškinkite visus veiksmus, kurių ėmėtės problemai išspręsti.
Aktyvus tiesioginių pokalbių kvietimas turėtų būti glaustas ir lengvai suprantamas. Taigi, jis turėtų būti 1 – 2 sakinių ilgio.
Atraskite asmeniškesnį bendravimo būdą su klientais naudodami LiveAgent vaizdo skambučių funkciją. Mūsų naršyklinė programinė įranga leidžia vienu metu kalbėtis ir bendrauti vaizdo skambučiu, užtikrinant geresnę klientų aptarnavimo patirtį ir didesnį pasitenkinimą. Pradėkite nemokamą bandymą ir patirkite modernią klientų aptarnavimo revoliuciją be jokių įsipareigojimų.
Aplankykite mūsų puslapį apie „LiveAgent“ pokalbių apžvalgą, kuri suteikia išsamios informacijos apie jūsų svetainės lankytojus ir leidžia greitai reaguoti. Patobulinkite klientų aptarnavimą, taupykite laiką bei skatinkite komandą veikti efektyviai. Išbandykite nemokamai ir užtikrinkite klientų pasitenkinimą!
Skambučių centras: pokalbių užbaigimo/pristabdymo šablonai
Apsilankykite „LiveAgent“ puslapyje ir sužinokite, kaip naudoti pokalbių užbaigimo/pristabdymo šablonus, kad pagerintumėte klientų aptarnavimą ir užtikrintumėte jų pasitenkinimą. Atraskite būdus, kaip efektyviai komunikuoti ir padidinti klientų lojalumą naudodami mūsų skambučių centro sprendimus.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Mūsų svetainėje naudojami slapukai. Tęsdami, suteikiate mums leidimą patalpinti slapukus, kaip aprašyta mūsų privatumo ir slapukų politika.